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Download our FREE guide to concrete floor repairs

From the UK's leading manufacturer of repair materials.

In this guide you will learn…

  • Why floor repairs are essential
  • What the most common types of damage are and how to repair them
  • General surface repairs, cracks, joints, steps, resurfacing and more
  • How Watco can help you with your repair projects

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Why repair a floor?

Crack in concrete

Prevent trip hazards

The HSE 2018/19 report states that 98% of all non fatal accidents in the workplace are caused by slips, trips and falls so a regular check and swift repair of floors is a good idea.

Repair that is typically filled in with Concrex deep fill near a rolling shutter door

Stop minor damage deteriorating

It's surprising how quickly minor damage in a concrete floor deteriorates. Once damaged and vulnerable to erosion, concrete is not particularly strong.

Concrete floor that is nicely maintained and managed creating a clean dust free environment

Help maintain a clean environment

Dirt and bacteria build up in chips and cracks making cleaning and maintenance difficult. Frequent repairs help keep things clean and makes for a pleasant working environment.

Warehouse floor painted using epoxicote high build to create nice walkways and line marking

Prepare the floor for painting

If you're planning on painting the concrete floor, it should be repaired first. Even small chips or cracks which were not particularly noticeable before painting can stand out once coated.

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