We know finding the right product for your environment isn't always straight forward. That's why we've put together a series of advice pages detailing which products are best for which environment. If you need help, our expert advisors are more than happy to talk through your project via Live Chat or call us on 01 6725 180
What category are you looking for? We'll take you straight there: Repair, Preparation, Paints & Coatings or Anti Slip & Floor Safety.
When it rains, it pours and this time of year is awash with long, wet days. If you identify a leak during a regular roof check, you know it's best to make sure repairs are completed quickly, preventing splits cracks or holes from causing further damage.
Maintaining your exterior concrete floor creates a safer and more efficient working environment with a fresh look. Our range of concrete repair products quickly and easily fixes cracks and holes, while our industry-leading paints and line marking solutions add long-lasting protection.
Almost a third of facilities management professionals agree that a lack of general maintenance and repair often poses a safety risk and over a quarter have been impacted by slips, trips and falls recently. As we move into winter and the weather turns, these challenges are only set to get worse.
We offer a wide range of external paints and coatings to protect your concrete and asphalt surfaces against all types of wear and tear. Continue reading to learn more about the differences between our formulations and find a solution that matches your needs.
Our range of asphalt repair products will quickly and easily transform worn or damaged pavements, loading areas, external yards, car parks and driveways, while our tough and durable paints and line marking products will keep your external areas looking their best.
Paints, coatings and GRP all offer anti slip protection but how do you decide which is the best option? Watco’s anti slip range offers versatile solutions to suit any surface and location. Our buying guide will help you decide which solution and product is best for you.